Regulator_ID UniProt_ID Regulator_Name Gene_Name Gene_ID Type Synonyms Function Sequence Family REG00001 FTO_HUMAN Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) FTO 79068 ERASER Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase FTO; U6 small nuclear RNA (2'-O-methyladenosine-N(6)-)-demethylase FTO; U6 small nuclear RNA N(6)-methyladenosine-demethylase FTO; mRNA (2'-O-methyladenosine-N(6)-)-demethylase FTO; m6A(m)-demethylase FTO; mRNA N(6)-methyladenosine demethylase FTO; tRNA N1-methyl adenine demethylase FTO; KIAA1752 RNA demethylase that mediates oxidative demethylation of different RNA species, such as mRNAs, tRNAs and snRNAs, and acts as a regulator of fat mass, adipogenesis and energy homeostasis . Specifically demethylates N(6)-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA, the most prevalent internal modification of messenger RNA (mRNA) in higher eukaryotes . M6A demethylation by FTO affects mRNA expression and stability . Also able to demethylate m6A in U6 small nuclear RNA (snRNA). Mediates demethylation of N(6),2'-O-dimethyladenosine cap (m6A(m)), by demethylating the N(6)-methyladenosine at the second transcribed position of mRNAs and U6 snRNA . Demethylation of m6A(m) in the 5'-cap by FTO affects mRNA stability by promoting susceptibility to decapping . Also acts as a tRNA demethylase by removing N(1)-methyladenine from various tRNAs . Has no activity towards 1-methylguanine . Has no detectable activity towards double-stranded DNA . Also able to repair alkylated DNA and RNA by oxidative demethylation: demethylates single-stranded RNA containing 3-methyluracil, single-stranded DNA containing 3-methylthymine and has low demethylase activity towards single-stranded DNA containing 1-methyladenine or 3-methylcytosine . Ability to repair alkylated DNA and RNA is however unsure in vivo. Involved in the regulation of fat mass, adipogenesis and body weight, thereby contributing to the regulation of body size and body fat accumulation . Involved in the regulation of thermogenesis and the control of adipocyte differentiation into brown or white fat cells. Regulates activity of the dopaminergic midbrain circuitry via its ability to demethylate m6A in mRNAs (By similarity). Plays an oncogenic role in a number of acute myeloid leukemias by enhancing leukemic oncogene-mediated cell transformation: acts by mediating m6A demethylation of target transcripts such as MYC, CEBPA, ASB2 and RARA, leading to promote their expression. MKRTPTAEEREREAKKLRLLEELEDTWLPYLTPKDDEFYQQWQLKYPKLILREASSVSEELHKEVQEAFLTLHKHGCLFRDLVRIQGKDLLTPVSRILIGNPGCTYKYLNTRLFTVPWPVKGSNIKHTEAEIAAACETFLKLNDYLQIETIQALEELAAKEKANEDAVPLCMSADFPRVGMGSSYNGQDEVDIKSRAAYNVTLLNFMDPQKMPYLKEEPYFGMGKMAVSWHHDENLVDRSAVAVYSYSCEGPEEESEDDSHLEGRDPDIWHVGFKISWDIETPGLAIPLHQGDCYFMLDDLNATHQHCVLAGSQPRFSSTHRVAECSTGTLDYILQRCQLALQNVCDDVDNDDVSLKSFEPAVLKQGEEIHNEVEFEWLRQFWFQGNRYRKCTDWWCQPMAQLEALWKKMEGVTNAVLHEVKREGLPVEQRNEILTAILASLTARQNLRREWHARCQSRIARTLPADQKPECRPYWEKDDASMPLPFDLTDIVSELRGQLLEAKP fto family REG00002 ELAV1_HUMAN ELAV-like protein 1 (ELAVL1) ELAVL1 1994 READER Hu-antigen R; HuR; HUR RNA-binding protein that binds to the 3'-UTR region of mRNAs and increases their stability. Involved in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) differentiation: preferentially binds mRNAs that are not methylated by N6-methyladenosine (m6A), stabilizing them, promoting ESCs differentiation (By similarity). Binds to poly-U elements and AU-rich elements (AREs) in the 3'-UTR of target mRNAs. Binds avidly to the AU-rich element in FOS and IL3/interleukin-3 mRNAs. In the case of the FOS AU-rich element, binds to a core element of 27 nucleotides that contain AUUUA, AUUUUA, and AUUUUUA motifs. Binds preferentially to the 5'-UUUU[AG]UUU-3' motif in vitro. With ZNF385A, binds the 3'-UTR of p53/TP53 mRNA to control their nuclear export induced by CDKN2A. Hence, may regulate p53/TP53 expression and mediate in part the CDKN2A anti-proliferative activity. May also bind with ZNF385A the CCNB1 mRNA (By similarity). Increases the stability of the leptin mRNA harboring an AU-rich element (ARE) in its 3' UTR. MSNGYEDHMAEDCRGDIGRTNLIVNYLPQNMTQDELRSLFSSIGEVESAKLIRDKVAGHSLGYGFVNYVTAKDAERAINTLNGLRLQSKTIKVSYARPSSEVIKDANLYISGLPRTMTQKDVEDMFSRFGRIINSRVLVDQTTGLSRGVAFIRFDKRSEAEEAITSFNGHKPPGSSEPITVKFAANPNQNKNVALLSQLYHSPARRFGGPVHHQAQRFRFSPMGVDHMSGLSGVNVPGNASSGWCIFIYNLGQDADEGILWQMFGPFGAVTNVKVIRDFNTNKCKGFGFVTMTNYEEAAMAIASLNGYRLGDKILQVSFKTNKSHK RRM elav family REG00003 HNRPC_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins C1/C2 (HNRNPC) HNRNPC 3183 READER hnRNP C1/C2; HNRPC Binds pre-mRNA and nucleates the assembly of 40S hnRNP particles. Interacts with poly-U tracts in the 3'-UTR or 5'-UTR of mRNA and modulates the stability and the level of translation of bound mRNA molecules . Single HNRNPC tetramers bind 230-240 nucleotides. Trimers of HNRNPC tetramers bind 700 nucleotides. May play a role in the early steps of spliceosome assembly and pre-mRNA splicing. N6-methyladenosine (m6A) has been shown to alter the local structure in mRNAs and long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) via a mechanism named 'm(6)A-switch', facilitating binding of HNRNPC, leading to regulation of mRNA splicing. MASNVTNKTDPRSMNSRVFIGNLNTLVVKKSDVEAIFSKYGKIVGCSVHKGFAFVQYVNERNARAAVAGEDGRMIAGQVLDINLAAEPKVNRGKAGVKRSAAEMYGSVTEHPSPSPLLSSSFDLDYDFQRDYYDRMYSYPARVPPPPPIARAVVPSKRQRVSGNTSRRGKSGFNSKSGQRGSSKSGKLKGDDLQAIKKELTQIKQKVDSLLENLEKIEKEQSKQAVEMKNDKSEEEQSSSSVKKDETNVKMESEGGADDSAEEGDLLDDDDNEDRGDDQLELIKDDEKEAEEGEDDRDSANGEDDS RRM HNRPC family; RALY subfamily REG00004 ROA2_HUMAN Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1 (HNRNPA2B1) HNRNPA2B1 3181 READER hnRNP A2/B1; HNRPA2B1 Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) that associates with nascent pre-mRNAs, packaging them into hnRNP particles. The hnRNP particle arrangement on nascent hnRNA is non-random and sequence-dependent and serves to condense and stabilize the transcripts and minimize tangling and knotting. Packaging plays a role in various processes such as transcription, pre-mRNA processing, RNA nuclear export, subcellular location, mRNA translation and stability of mature mRNAs. Forms hnRNP particles with at least 20 other different hnRNP and heterogeneous nuclear RNA in the nucleus. Involved in transport of specific mRNAs to the cytoplasm in oligodendrocytes and neurons: acts by specifically recognizing and binding the A2RE (21 nucleotide hnRNP A2 response element) or the A2RE11 (derivative 11 nucleotide oligonucleotide) sequence motifs present on some mRNAs, and promotes their transport to the cytoplasm. Specifically binds single-stranded telomeric DNA sequences, protecting telomeric DNA repeat against endonuclease digestion (By similarity). Also binds other RNA molecules, such as primary miRNA (pri-miRNAs): acts as a nuclear 'reader' of the N6-methyladenosine (m6A) mark by specifically recognizing and binding a subset of nuclear m6A-containing pri-miRNAs. Binding to m6A-containing pri-miRNAs promotes pri-miRNA processing by enhancing binding of DGCR8 to pri-miRNA transcripts. Involved in miRNA sorting into exosomes following sumoylation, possibly by binding (m6A)-containing pre-miRNAs. Acts as a regulator of efficiency of mRNA splicing, possibly by binding to m6A-containing pre-mRNAs. Plays a role in the splicing of pyruvate kinase PKM by binding repressively to sequences flanking PKM exon 9, inhibiting exon 9 inclusion and resulting in exon 10 inclusion and production of the PKM M2 isoform. Also plays a role in the activation of the innate immune response. Mechanistically, senses the presence of viral DNA in the nucleus, homodimerizes and is demethylated by JMJD6. In turn, translocates to the cytoplasm where it activates the TBK1-IRF3 pathway, leading to interferon alpha/beta production; (Microbial infection) Involved in the transport of HIV-1 genomic RNA out of the nucleus, to the microtubule organizing center (MTOC), and then from the MTOC to the cytoplasm: acts by specifically recognizing and binding the A2RE (21 nucleotide hnRNP A2 response element) sequence motifs present on HIV-1 genomic RNA, and promotes its transport. MEKTLETVPLERKKREKEQFRKLFIGGLSFETTEESLRNYYEQWGKLTDCVVMRDPASKRSRGFGFVTFSSMAEVDAAMAARPHSIDGRVVEPKRAVAREESGKPGAHVTVKKLFVGGIKEDTEEHHLRDYFEEYGKIDTIEIITDRQSGKKRGFGFVTFDDHDPVDKIVLQKYHTINGHNAEVRKALSRQEMQEVQSSRSGRGGNFGFGDSRGGGGNFGPGPGSNFRGGSDGYGSGRGFGDGYNGYGGGPGGGNFGGSPGYGGGRGGYGGGGPGYGNQGGGYGGGYDNYGGGNYGSGNYNDFGNYNQQPSNYGPMKSGNFGGSRNMGGPYGGGNYGPGGSGGSGGYGGRSRY . REG00005 ALKB5_HUMAN RNA demethylase ALKBH5 (ALKBH5) ALKBH5 54890 ERASER Alkylated DNA repair protein alkB homolog 5; Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase alkB homolog 5; ABH5; OFOXD1 Dioxygenase that demethylates RNA by oxidative demethylation: specifically demethylates N(6)-methyladenosine (m6A) RNA, the most prevalent internal modification of messenger RNA (mRNA) in higher eukaryotes. Can also demethylate N(6)-methyladenosine in single-stranded DNA (in vitro). Requires molecular oxygen, alpha-ketoglutarate and iron. Demethylation of m6A mRNA affects mRNA processing and export. Required for the late meiotic and haploid phases of spermatogenesis by mediating m6A demethylation in spermatocytes and round spermatids: m6A demethylation of target transcripts is required for correct splicing and the production of longer 3'-UTR mRNAs in male germ cells (By similarity). MAAASGYTDLREKLKSMTSRDNYKAGSREAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAAAAEPYPVSGAKRKYQEDSDPERSDYEEQQLQKEEEARKVKSGIRQMRLFSQDECAKIEARIDEVVSRAEKGLYNEHTVDRAPLRNKYFFGEGYTYGAQLQKRGPGQERLYPPGDVDEIPEWVHQLVIQKLVEHRVIPEGFVNSAVINDYQPGGCIVSHVDPIHIFERPIVSVSFFSDSALCFGCKFQFKPIRVSEPVLSLPVRRGSVTVLSGYAADEITHCIRPQDIKERRAVIILRKTRLDAPRLETKSLSSSVLPPSYASDRLSGNNRDPALKPKRSHRKADPDAAHRPRILEMDKEENRRSVLLPTHRRRGSFSSENYWRKSYESSEDCSEAAGSPARKVKMRRH alkB family REG00006 MET14_HUMAN Methyltransferase-like 14 (METTL14) METTL14 57721 WRITER N6-adenosine-methyltransferase non-catalytic subunit; hMETTL14; KIAA1627 The METTL3-METTL14 heterodimer forms a N6-methyltransferase complex that methylates adenosine residues at the N(6) position of some mRNAs and regulates the circadian clock, differentiation of embryonic stem cells and cortical neurogenesis. In the heterodimer formed with METTL3, METTL14 constitutes the RNA-binding scaffold that recognizes the substrate rather than the catalytic core. N6-methyladenosine (m6A), which takes place at the 5'-[AG]GAC-3' consensus sites of some mRNAs, plays a role in mRNA stability and processing. M6A acts as a key regulator of mRNA stability by promoting mRNA destabilization and degradation (By similarity). In embryonic stem cells (ESCs), m6A methylation of mRNAs encoding key naive pluripotency-promoting transcripts results in transcript destabilization (By similarity). M6A regulates spermatogonial differentiation and meiosis and is essential for male fertility and spermatogenesis (By similarity). M6A also regulates cortical neurogenesis: m6A methylation of transcripts related to transcription factors, neural stem cells, the cell cycle and neuronal differentiation during brain development promotes their destabilization and decay, promoting differentiation of radial glial cells (By similarity). MDSRLQEIRERQKLRRQLLAQQLGAESADSIGAVLNSKDEQREIAETRETCRASYDTSAPNAKRKYLDEGETDEDKMEEYKDELEMQQDEENLPYEEEIYKDSSTFLKGTQSLNPHNDYCQHFVDTGHRPQNFIRDVGLADRFEEYPKLRELIRLKDELIAKSNTPPMYLQADIEAFDIRELTPKFDVILLEPPLEEYYRETGITANEKCWTWDDIMKLEIDEIAAPRSFIFLWCGSGEGLDLGRVCLRKWGYRRCEDICWIKTNKNNPGKTKTLDPKAVFQRTKEHCLMGIKGTVKRSTDGDFIHANVDIDLIITEEPEIGNIEKPVEIFHIIEHFCLGRRRLHLFGRDSTIRPGWLTVGPTLTNSNYNAETYASYFSAPNSYLTGCTEEIERLRPKSPPPKSKSDRGGGAPRGGGRGGTSAGRGRERNRSNFRGERGGFRGGRGGAHRGGFPPR MT-A70-like family REG00007 MTA70_HUMAN Methyltransferase-like 3 (METTL3) METTL3 56339 WRITER N6-adenosine-methyltransferase catalytic subunit; hMETTL3; N6-adenosine-methyltransferase 70 kDa subunit; MT-A70; MTA70 The METTL3-METTL14 heterodimer forms a N6-methyltransferase complex that methylates adenosine residues at the N(6) position of some RNAs and regulates various processes such as the circadian clock, differentiation of embryonic and hematopoietic stem cells, cortical neurogenesis, response to DNA damage, differentiation of T-cells and primary miRNA processing. In the heterodimer formed with METTL14, METTL3 constitutes the catalytic core. N6-methyladenosine (m6A), which takes place at the 5'-[AG]GAC-3' consensus sites of some mRNAs, plays a role in mRNA stability, processing, translation efficiency and editing. In embryonic stem cells (ESCs), m6A methylation of mRNAs encoding key naive pluripotency-promoting transcripts results in transcript destabilization, promoting differentiation of ESCs. Involved in the response to DNA damage: in response to ultraviolet irradiation, METTL3 rapidly catalyzes the formation of m6A on poly(A) transcripts at DNA damage sites, leading to the recruitment of POLK to DNA damage sites. M6A is also required for T-cell homeostasis and differentiation: m6A methylation of transcripts of SOCS family members (SOCS1, SOCS3 and CISH) in naive T-cells promotes mRNA destabilization and degradation, promoting T-cell differentiation. Inhibits the type I interferon response by mediating m6A methylation of IFNB. Mediates m6A methylation of Xist RNA, thereby participating in random X inactivation: m6A methylation of Xist leads to target YTHDC1 reader on Xist and promote transcription repression activity of Xist. M6A also regulates cortical neurogenesis. METTL3 mediates methylation of pri-miRNAs, marking them for recognition and processing by DGCR8. Acts as a positive regulator of mRNA translation independently of the methyltransferase activity. Its overexpression in a number of cancer cells suggests that it may participate in cancer cell proliferation by promoting mRNA translation. MSDTWSSIQAHKKQLDSLRERLQRRRKQDSGHLDLRNPEAALSPTFRSDSPVPTAPTSGGPKPSTASAVPELATDPELEKKLLHHLSDLALTLPTDAVSICLAISTPDAPATQDGVESLLQKFAAQELIEVKRGLLQDDAHPTLVTYADHSKLSAMMGAVAEKKGPGEVAGTVTGQKRRAEQDSTTVAAFASSLVSGLNSSASEPAKEPAKKSRKHAASDVDLEIESLLNQQSTKEQQSKKVSQEILELLNTTTAKEQSIVEKFRSRGRAQVQEFCDYGTKEECMKASDADRPCRKLHFRRIINKHTDESLGDCSFLNTCFHMDTCKYVHYEIDACMDSEAPGSKDHTPSQELALTQSVGGDSSADRLFPPQWICCDIRYLDVSILGKFAVVMADPPWDIHMELPYGTLTDDEMRRLNIPVLQDDGFLFLWVTGRAMELGRECLNLWGYERVDEIIWVKTNQLQRIIRTGRTGHWLNHGKEHCLVGVKGNPQGFNQGLDCDVIVAEVRSTSHKPDEIYGMIERLSPGTRKIELFGRPHNVQPNWITLGNQLDGIHLLDPDVVARFKQRYPDGIISKPKNL MT-A70-like family REG00008 YTHD2_HUMAN YTH domain-containing family protein 2 (YTHDF2) YTHDF2 51441 READER DF2; CLL-associated antigen KW-14; High-glucose-regulated protein 8; Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-2; HGRG8 Specifically recognizes and binds N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing RNAs, and regulates their stability. M6A is a modification present at internal sites of mRNAs and some non-coding RNAs and plays a role in mRNA stability and processing. Acts as a regulator of mRNA stability by promoting degradation of m6A-containing mRNAs via interaction with the CCR4-NOT and ribonuclease P/MRP complexes, depending on the context. The YTHDF paralogs (YTHDF1, YTHDF2 and YTHDF3) share m6A-containing mRNAs targets and act redundantly to mediate mRNA degradation and cellular differentiation. M6A-containing mRNAs containing a binding site for RIDA/HRSP12 (5'-GGUUC-3') are preferentially degraded by endoribonucleolytic cleavage: cooperative binding of RIDA/HRSP12 and YTHDF2 to transcripts leads to recruitment of the ribonuclease P/MRP complex. Other m6A-containing mRNAs undergo deadenylation via direct interaction between YTHDF2 and CNOT1, leading to recruitment of the CCR4-NOT and subsequent deadenylation of m6A-containing mRNAs. Required maternally to regulate oocyte maturation: probably acts by binding to m6A-containing mRNAs, thereby regulating maternal transcript dosage during oocyte maturation, which is essential for the competence of oocytes to sustain early zygotic development (By similarity). Also required during spermatogenesis: regulates spermagonial adhesion by promoting degradation of m6A-containing transcripts coding for matrix metallopeptidases (By similarity). Also involved in hematopoietic stem cells specification by binding to m6A-containing mRNAs, leading to promote their degradation. Also acts as a regulator of neural development by promoting m6A-dependent degradation of neural development-related mRNA targets (By similarity). Inhibits neural specification of induced pluripotent stem cells by binding to methylated neural-specific mRNAs and promoting their degradation, thereby restraining neural differentiation. Regulates circadian regulation of hepatic lipid metabolism: acts by promoting m6A-dependent degradation of PPARA transcripts. Regulates the innate immune response to infection by inhibiting the type I interferon response: acts by binding to m6A-containing IFNB transcripts and promoting their degradation. May also act as a promoter of cap-independent mRNA translation following heat shock stress: upon stress, relocalizes to the nucleus and specifically binds mRNAs with some m6A methylation mark at their 5'-UTR, protecting demethylation of mRNAs by FTO, thereby promoting cap-independent mRNA translation. Regulates mitotic entry by promoting the phase-specific m6A-dependent degradation of WEE1 transcripts . Promotes formation of phase-separated membraneless compartments, such as P-bodies or stress granules, by undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation upon binding to mRNAs containing multiple m6A-modified residues: polymethylated mRNAs act as a multivalent scaffold for the binding of YTHDF proteins, juxtaposing their disordered regions and thereby leading to phase separation . The resulting mRNA-YTHDF complexes then partition into different endogenous phase-separated membraneless compartments, such as P-bodies, stress granules or neuronal RNA granules. May also recognize and bind RNAs modified by C5-methylcytosine (m5C) and act as a regulator of rRNA processing; (Microbial infection) Promotes viral gene expression and virion production of kaposis sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) at some stage of the KSHV life cycle (in iSLK.219 and iSLK.BAC16 cells). Acts by binding to N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing viral RNAs. MSASSLLEQRPKGQGNKVQNGSVHQKDGLNDDDFEPYLSPQARPNNAYTAMSDSYLPSYYSPSIGFSYSLGEAAWSTGGDTAMPYLTSYGQLSNGEPHFLPDAMFGQPGALGSTPFLGQHGFNFFPSGIDFSAWGNNSSQGQSTQSSGYSSNYAYAPSSLGGAMIDGQSAFANETLNKAPGMNTIDQGMAALKLGSTEVASNVPKVVGSAVGSGSITSNIVASNSLPPATIAPPKPASWADIASKPAKQQPKLKTKNGIAGSSLPPPPIKHNMDIGTWDNKGPVAKAPSQALVQNIGQPTQGSPQPVGQQANNSPPVAQASVGQQTQPLPPPPPQPAQLSVQQQAAQPTRWVAPRNRGSGFGHNGVDGNGVGQSQAGSGSTPSEPHPVLEKLRSINNYNPKDFDWNLKHGRVFIIKSYSEDDIHRSIKYNIWCSTEHGNKRLDAAYRSMNGKGPVYLLFSVNGSGHFCGVAEMKSAVDYNTCAGVWSQDKWKGRFDVRWIFVKDVPNSQLRHIRLENNENKPVTNSRDTQEVPLEKAKQVLKIIASYKHTTSIFDDFSHYEKRQEEEESVKKERQGRGK YTHDF family; YTHDF2 subfamily REG00009 FL2D_HUMAN Wilms tumor 1-associating protein (WTAP) WTAP 9589 WRITER Female-lethal(2)D homolog; hFL(2)D; WT1-associated protein; Pre-mRNA-splicing regulator WTAP; KIAA0105 Associated component of the WMM complex, a complex that mediates N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of RNAs, a modification that plays a role in the efficiency of mRNA splicing and RNA processing . Required for accumulation of METTL3 and METTL14 to nuclear speckle. Acts as a mRNA splicing regulator. Regulates G2/M cell-cycle transition by binding to the 3' UTR of CCNA2, which enhances its stability. Impairs WT1 DNA-binding ability and inhibits expression of WT1 target genes. MTNEEPLPKKVRLSETDFKVMARDELILRWKQYEAYVQALEGKYTDLNSNDVTGLRESEEKLKQQQQESARRENILVMRLATKEQEMQECTTQIQYLKQVQQPSVAQLRSTMVDPAINLFFLKMKGELEQTKDKLEQAQNELSAWKFTPDSQTGKKLMAKCRMLIQENQELGRQLSQGRIAQLEAELALQKKYSEELKSSQDELNDFIIQLDEEVEGMQSTILVLQQQLKETRQQLAQYQQQQSQASAPSTSRTTASEPVEQSEATSKDCSRLTNGPSNGSSSRQRTSGSGFHREGNTTEDDFPSSPGNGNKSSNSSEERTGRGGSGYVNQLSAGYESVDSPTGSENSLTHQSNDTDSSHDPQEEKAVSGKGNRTVGSRHVQNGLDSSVNVQGSVL fl(2)d family REG00011 ELF3_HUMAN ETS-related transcription factor Elf-3 (ELF3) ELF3 1999 WRITER E74-like factor 3; Epithelial-restricted with serine box; Epithelium-restricted Ets protein ESX; Epithelium-specific Ets transcription factor 1; ESE-1; ERT; ESX; JEN Transcriptional activator that binds and transactivates ETS sequences containing the consensus nucleotide core sequence GGA[AT]. Acts synergistically with POU2F3 to transactivate the SPRR2A promoter and with RUNX1 to transactivate the ANGPT1 promoter. Also transactivates collagenase, CCL20, CLND7, FLG, KRT8, NOS2, PTGS2, SPRR2B, TGFBR2 and TGM3 promoters. Represses KRT4 promoter activity. Involved in mediating vascular inflammation. May play an important role in epithelial cell differentiation and tumorigenesis. May be a critical downstream effector of the ERBB2 signaling pathway. May be associated with mammary gland development and involution. Plays an important role in the regulation of transcription with TATA-less promoters in preimplantation embryos, which is essential in preimplantation development (By similarity). MAATCEISNIFSNYFSAMYSSEDSTLASVPPAATFGADDLVLTLSNPQMSLEGTEKASWLGEQPQFWSKTQVLDWISYQVEKNKYDASAIDFSRCDMDGATLCNCALEELRLVFGPLGDQLHAQLRDLTSSSSDELSWIIELLEKDGMAFQEALDPGPFDQGSPFAQELLDDGQQASPYHPGSCGAGAPSPGSSDVSTAGTGASRSSHSSDSGGSDVDLDPTDGKLFPSDGFRDCKKGDPKHGKRKRGRPRKLSKEYWDCLEGKKSKHAPRGTHLWEFIRDILIHPELNEGLMKWENRHEGVFKFLRSEAVAQLWGQKKKNSNMTYEKLSRAMRYYYKREILERVDGRRLVYKFGKNSSGWKEEEVLQSRN ETS family REG00012 IF2B1_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 1 (IGF2BP1) IGF2BP1 10642 READER IGF2 mRNA-binding protein 1; IMP-1; IMP1; Coding region determinant-binding protein; CRD-BP; IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 1; VICKZ family member 1; Zipcode-binding protein 1; ZBP-1; CRDBP; VICKZ1; ZBP1 RNA-binding factor that recruits target transcripts to cytoplasmic protein-RNA complexes (mRNPs). This transcript 'caging' into mRNPs allows mRNA transport and transient storage. It also modulates the rate and location at which target transcripts encounter the translational apparatus and shields them from endonuclease attacks or microRNA-mediated degradation. Plays a direct role in the transport and translation of transcripts required for axonal regeneration in adult sensory neurons (By similarity). Regulates localized beta-actin/ACTB mRNA translation, a crucial process for cell polarity, cell migration and neurite outgrowth. Co-transcriptionally associates with the ACTB mRNA in the nucleus. This binding involves a conserved 54-nucleotide element in the ACTB mRNA 3'-UTR, known as the 'zipcode'. The RNP thus formed is exported to the cytoplasm, binds to a motor protein and is transported along the cytoskeleton to the cell periphery. During transport, prevents ACTB mRNA from being translated into protein. When the RNP complex reaches its destination near the plasma membrane, IGF2BP1 is phosphorylated. This releases the mRNA, allowing ribosomal 40S and 60S subunits to assemble and initiate ACTB protein synthesis. Monomeric ACTB then assembles into the subcortical actin cytoskeleton (By similarity). During neuronal development, key regulator of neurite outgrowth, growth cone guidance and neuronal cell migration, presumably through the spatiotemporal fine tuning of protein synthesis, such as that of ACTB (By similarity). May regulate mRNA transport to activated synapses (By similarity). Binds to and stabilizes ABCB1/MDR-1 mRNA (By similarity). During interstinal wound repair, interacts with and stabilizes PTGS2 transcript. PTGS2 mRNA stabilization may be crucial for colonic mucosal wound healing (By similarity). Binds to the 3'-UTR of IGF2 mRNA by a mechanism of cooperative and sequential dimerization and regulates IGF2 mRNA subcellular localization and translation. Binds to MYC mRNA, in the coding region instability determinant (CRD) of the open reading frame (ORF), hence prevents MYC cleavage by endonucleases and possibly microRNA targeting to MYC-CRD. Binds to the 3'-UTR of CD44 mRNA and stabilizes it, hence promotes cell adhesion and invadopodia formation in cancer cells. Binds to the oncofetal H19 transcript and to the neuron-specific TAU mRNA and regulates their localizations. Binds to and stabilizes BTRC/FBW1A mRNA. Binds to the adenine-rich autoregulatory sequence (ARS) located in PABPC1 mRNA and represses its translation. PABPC1 mRNA-binding is stimulated by PABPC1 protein. Prevents BTRC/FBW1A mRNA degradation by disrupting microRNA-dependent interaction with AGO2. Promotes the directed movement of tumor-derived cells by fine-tuning intracellular signaling networks. Binds to MAPK4 3'-UTR and inhibits its translation. Interacts with PTEN transcript open reading frame (ORF) and prevents mRNA decay. This combined action on MAPK4 (down-regulation) and PTEN (up-regulation) antagonizes HSPB1 phosphorylation, consequently it prevents G-actin sequestration by phosphorylated HSPB1, allowing F-actin polymerization. Hence enhances the velocity of cell migration and stimulates directed cell migration by PTEN-modulated polarization. Interacts with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) 5'-UTR and 3'-UTR and specifically enhances translation at the HCV IRES, but not 5'-cap-dependent translation, possibly by recruiting eIF3. Interacts with HIV-1 GAG protein and blocks the formation of infectious HIV-1 particles. Reduces HIV-1 assembly by inhibiting viral RNA packaging, as well as assembly and processing of GAG protein on cellular membranes. During cellular stress, such as oxidative stress or heat shock, stabilizes target mRNAs that are recruited to stress granules, including CD44, IGF2, MAPK4, MYC, PTEN, RAPGEF2 and RPS6KA5 transcripts. MNKLYIGNLNESVTPADLEKVFAEHKISYSGQFLVKSGYAFVDCPDEHWAMKAIETFSGKVELQGKRLEIEHSVPKKQRSRKIQIRNIPPQLRWEVLDSLLAQYGTVENCEQVNTESETAVVNVTYSNREQTRQAIMKLNGHQLENHALKVSYIPDEQIAQGPENGRRGGFGSRGQPRQGSPVAAGAPAKQQQVDIPLRLLVPTQYVGAIIGKEGATIRNITKQTQSKIDVHRKENAGAAEKAISVHSTPEGCSSACKMILEIMHKEAKDTKTADEVPLKILAHNNFVGRLIGKEGRNLKKVEQDTETKITISSLQDLTLYNPERTITVKGAIENCCRAEQEIMKKVREAYENDVAAMSLQSHLIPGLNLAAVGLFPASSSAVPPPPSSVTGAAPYSSFMQAPEQEMVQVFIPAQAVGAIIGKKGQHIKQLSRFASASIKIAPPETPDSKVRMVIITGPPEAQFKAQGRIYGKLKEENFFGPKEEVKLETHIRVPASAAGRVIGKGGKTVNELQNLTAAEVVVPRDQTPDENDQVIVKIIGHFYASQMAQRKIRDILAQVKQQHQKGQSNQAQARRK RRM IMP/VICKZ family REG00013 IF2B2_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IGF2BP2) IGF2BP2 10644 READER IGF2 mRNA-binding protein 2; IMP-2; Hepatocellular carcinoma autoantigen p62; IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 2; VICKZ family member 2; IMP2; VICKZ2 RNA-binding factor that recruits target transcripts to cytoplasmic protein-RNA complexes (mRNPs). This transcript 'caging' into mRNPs allows mRNA transport and transient storage. It also modulates the rate and location at which target transcripts encounter the translational apparatus and shields them from endonuclease attacks or microRNA-mediated degradation (By similarity). Binds to the 5'-UTR of the insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) mRNAs. Binding is isoform-specific. Binds to beta-actin/ACTB and MYC transcripts. MMNKLYIGNLSPAVTADDLRQLFGDRKLPLAGQVLLKSGYAFVDYPDQNWAIRAIETLSGKVELHGKIMEVDYSVSKKLRSRKIQIRNIPPHLQWEVLDGLLAQYGTVENVEQVNTDTETAVVNVTYATREEAKIAMEKLSGHQFENYSFKISYIPDEEVSSPSPPQRAQRGDHSSREQGHAPGGTSQARQIDFPLRILVPTQFVGAIIGKEGLTIKNITKQTQSRVDIHRKENSGAAEKPVTIHATPEGTSEACRMILEIMQKEADETKLAEEIPLKILAHNGLVGRLIGKEGRNLKKIEHETGTKITISSLQDLSIYNPERTITVKGTVEACASAEIEIMKKLREAFENDMLAVNQQANLIPGLNLSALGIFSTGLSVLSPPAGPRGAPPAAPYHPFTTHSGYFSSLYPHHQFGPFPHHHSYPEQEIVNLFIPTQAVGAIIGKKGAHIKQLARFAGASIKIAPAEGPDVSERMVIITGPPEAQFKAQGRIFGKLKEENFFNPKEEVKLEAHIRVPSSTAGRVIGKGGKTVNELQNLTSAEVIVPRDQTPDENEEVIVRIIGHFFASQTAQRKIREIVQQVKQQEQKYPQGVASQRSK RRM IMP/VICKZ family REG00014 IF2B3_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 3 (IGF2BP3) IGF2BP3 10643 READER IGF2 mRNA-binding protein 3; IMP-3; IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 3; KH domain-containing protein overexpressed in cancer; hKOC; VICKZ family member 3; IMP3; KOC1; VICKZ3 RNA-binding factor that may recruit target transcripts to cytoplasmic protein-RNA complexes (mRNPs). This transcript 'caging' into mRNPs allows mRNA transport and transient storage. It also modulates the rate and location at which target transcripts encounter the translational apparatus and shields them from endonuclease attacks or microRNA-mediated degradation. Binds to the 3'-UTR of CD44 mRNA and stabilizes it, hence promotes cell adhesion and invadopodia formation in cancer cells. Binds to beta-actin/ACTB and MYC transcripts. Binds to the 5'-UTR of the insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) mRNAs. MNKLYIGNLSENAAPSDLESIFKDAKIPVSGPFLVKTGYAFVDCPDESWALKAIEALSGKIELHGKPIEVEHSVPKRQRIRKLQIRNIPPHLQWEVLDSLLVQYGVVESCEQVNTDSETAVVNVTYSSKDQARQALDKLNGFQLENFTLKVAYIPDEMAAQQNPLQQPRGRRGLGQRGSSRQGSPGSVSKQKPCDLPLRLLVPTQFVGAIIGKEGATIRNITKQTQSKIDVHRKENAGAAEKSITILSTPEGTSAACKSILEIMHKEAQDIKFTEEIPLKILAHNNFVGRLIGKEGRNLKKIEQDTDTKITISPLQELTLYNPERTITVKGNVETCAKAEEEIMKKIRESYENDIASMNLQAHLIPGLNLNALGLFPPTSGMPPPTSGPPSAMTPPYPQFEQSETETVHLFIPALSVGAIIGKQGQHIKQLSRFAGASIKIAPAEAPDAKVRMVIITGPPEAQFKAQGRIYGKIKEENFVSPKEEVKLEAHIRVPSFAAGRVIGKGGKTVNELQNLSSAEVVVPRDQTPDENDQVVVKITGHFYACQVAQRKIQEILTQVKQHQQQKALQSGPPQSRRK RRM IMP/VICKZ family REG00015 VIR_HUMAN Protein virilizer homolog (VIRMA) VIRMA 25962 WRITER KIAA1429; MSTP054 Associated component of the WMM complex, a complex that mediates N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of RNAs, a modification that plays a role in the efficiency of mRNA splicing and RNA processing . Acts as a key regulator of m6A methylation by promoting m6A methylation of mRNAs in the 3'-UTR near the stop codon: recruits the catalytic core components METTL3 and METTL14, thereby guiding m6A methylation at specific sites. Required for mRNA polyadenylation via its role in selective m6A methylation: m6A methylation of mRNAs in the 3'-UTR near the stop codon correlating with alternative polyadenylation (APA). MAVDSAMELLFLDTFKHPSAEQSSHIDVVRFPCVVYINEVRVIPPGVRAHSSLPDNRAYGETSPHTFQLDLFFNNVSKPSAPVFDRLGSLEYDENTSIIFRPNSKVNTDGLVLRGWYNCLTLAIYGSVDRVISHDRDSPPPPPPPPPPPQPQPSLKRNPKHADGEKEDQFNGSPPRPQPRGPRTPPGPPPPDDDEDDPVPLPVSGDKEEDAPHREDYFEPISPDRNSVPQEGQYSDEGEVEEEQQEEGEEDEDDVDVEEEEDEDEDDRRTVDSIPEEEEEDEEEEGEEDEEGEGDDGYEQISSDEDGIADLERETFKYPNFDVEYTAEDLASVPPMTYDPYDRELVPLLYFSCPYKTTFEIEISRMKDQGPDKENSGAIEASVKLTELLDLYREDRGAKWVTALEEIPSLIIKGLSYLQLKNTKQDSLGQLVDWTMQALNLQVALRQPIALNVRQLKAGTKLVSSLAECGAQGVTGLLQAGVISGLFELLFADHVSSSLKLNAFKALDSVISMTEGMEAFLRGRQNEKSGYQKLLELILLDQTVRVVTAGSAILQKCHFYEVLSEIKRLGDHLAEKTSSLPNHSEPDHDTDAGLERTNPEYENEVEASMDMDLLESSNISEGEIERLINLLEEVFHLMETAPHTMIQQPVKSFPTMARITGPPERDDPYPVLFRYLHSHHFLELVTLLLSIPVTSAHPGVLQATKDVLKFLAQSQKGLLFFMSEYEATNLLIRALCHFYDQDEEEGLQSDGVIDDAFALWLQDSTQTLQCITELFSHFQRCTASEETDHSDLLGTLHNLYLITFNPVGRSAVGHVFSLEKNLQSLITLMEYYSKEALGDSKSKKSVAYNYACILILVVVQSSSDVQMLEQHAASLLKLCKADENNAKLQELGKWLEPLKNLRFEINCIPNLIEYVKQNIDNLMTPEGVGLTTALRVLCNVACPPPPVEGQQKDLKWNLAVIQLFSAEGMDTFIRVLQKLNSILTQPWRLHVNMGTTLHRVTTISMARCTLTLLKTMLTELLRGGSFEFKDMRVPSALVTLHMLLCSIPLSGRLDSDEQKIQNDIIDILLTFTQGVNEKLTISEETLANNTWSLMLKEVLSSILKVPEGFFSGLILLSELLPLPLPMQTTQVIEPHDISVALNTRKLWSMHLHVQAKLLQEIVRSFSGTTCQPIQHMLRRICVQLCDLASPTALLIMRTVLDLIVEDLQSTSEDKEKQYTSQTTRLLALLDALASHKACKLAILHLINGTIKGDERYAEIFQDLLALVRSPGDSVIRQQCVEYVTSILQSLCDQDIALILPSSSEGSISELEQLSNSLPNKELMTSICDCLLATLANSESSYNCLLTCVRTMMFLAEHDYGLFHLKSSLRKNSSALHSLLKRVVSTFSKDTGELASSFLEFMRQILNSDTIGCCGDDNGLMEVEGAHTSRTMSINAAELKQLLQSKEESPENLFLELEKLVLEHSKDDDNLDSLLDSVVGLKQMLESSGDPLPLSDQDVEPVLSAPESLQNLFNNRTAYVLADVMDDQLKSMWFTPFQAEEIDTDLDLVKVDLIELSEKCCSDFDLHSELERSFLSEPSSPGRTKTTKGFKLGKHKHETFITSSGKSEYIEPAKRAHVVPPPRGRGRGGFGQGIRPHDIFRQRKQNTSRPPSMHVDDFVAAESKEVVPQDGIPPPKRPLKVSQKISSRGGFSGNRGGRGAFHSQNRFFTPPASKGNYSRREGTRGSSWSAQNTPRGNYNESRGGQSNFNRGPLPPLRPLSSTGYRPSPRDRASRGRGGLGPSWASANSGSGGSRGKFVSGGSGRGRHVRSFTR vir family REG00016 EFNMT_HUMAN Methyltransferase-like 13 (METTL13) METTL13 51603 WRITER eEF1A-KNMT; eEF1A lysine and N-terminal methyltransferase; EEF1AKNMT; FEAT; KIAA0859; CGI-01 Dual methyltransferase that catalyzes methylation of elongation factor 1-alpha (EEF1A1 and EEF1A2) at two different positions, and is therefore involved in the regulation of mRNA translation. Via its C-terminus, methylates EEF1A1 and EEF1A2 at the N-terminal residue 'Gly-2'. Via its N-terminus dimethylates EEF1A1 and EEF1A2 at residue 'Lys-55'. Has no activity towards core histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H4 . Negatively regulates cell proliferation at G1/S transition via transcriptional suppression of cell cycle regulatory genes such as CDK4 and CDK6. MNLLPKSSREFGSVDYWEKFFQQRGKKAFEWYGTYLELCGVLHKYIKPREKVLVIGCGNSELSEQLYDVGYRDIVNIDISEVVIKQMKECNATRRPQMSFLKMDMTQMEFPDASFQVVLDKGTLDAVLTDEEEKTLQQVDRMLAEVGRVLQVGGRYLCISLAQAHILKKAVGHFSREGWMVRVHQVANSQDQVLEAEPQFSLPVFAFIMTKFRPVPGSALQIFELCAQEQRKPVRLESAERLAEAVQERQQYAWLCSQLRRKARLGSVSLDLCDGDTGEPRYTLHVVDSPTVKPSRDNHFAIFIIPQGRETEWLFGMDEGRKQLAASAGFRRLITVALHRGQQYESMDHIQAELSARVMELAPAGMPTQQQVPFLSVGGDIGVRTVQHQDCSPLSGDYVIEDVQGDDKRYFRRLIFLSNRNVVQSEARLLKDVSHKAQKKRKKDRKKQRPADAEDLPAAPGQSIDKSYLCCEHHKAMIAGLALLRNPELLLEIPLALLVVGLGGGSLPLFVHDHFPKSCIDAVEIDPSMLEVATQWFGFSQSDRMKVHIADGLDYIASLAGGGEARPCYDVIMFDVDSKDPTLGMSCPPPAFVEQSFLQKVKSILTPEGVFILNLVCRDLGLKDSVLAGLKAVFPLLYVRRIEGEVNEILFCQLHPEQKLATPELLETAQALERTLRKPGRGWDDTYVLSDMLKTVKIV methyltransferase superfamily REG00017 MET16_HUMAN Methyltransferase-like 16 (METTL16) METTL16 79066 WRITER Methyltransferase 10 domain-containing protein; RNA N6-adenosine-methyltransferase METTL16; N6-adenosine-methyltransferase METTL16; U6 small nuclear RNA (adenine-(43)-N(6))-methyltransferase; METT10D RNA N6-methyltransferase that methylates adenosine residues at the N(6) position of a subset of RNAs and is involved in S-adenosyl-L-methionine homeostasis by regulating expression of MAT2A transcripts . Able to N6-methylate a subset of mRNAs and U6 small nuclear RNAs (U6 snRNAs). In contrast to the METTL3-METTL14 heterodimer, only able to methylate a limited number of RNAs: requires both a 5'UACAGAGAA-3' nonamer sequence and a specific RNA structure. Plays a key role in S-adenosyl-L-methionine homeostasis by mediating N6-methylation of MAT2A mRNAs, altering splicing of MAT2A transcripts: in presence of S-adenosyl-L-methionine, binds the 3'-UTR region of MAT2A mRNA and specifically N6-methylates the first hairpin of MAT2A mRNA, preventing recognition of their 3'-splice site by U2AF1/U2AF35, thereby inhibiting splicing and protein production of S-adenosylmethionine synthase. In S-adenosyl-L-methionine-limiting conditions, binds the 3'-UTR region of MAT2A mRNA but stalls due to the lack of a methyl donor, preventing N6-methylation and promoting expression of MAT2A. In addition to mRNAs, also able to mediate N6-methylation of U6 small nuclear RNA (U6 snRNA): specifically N6-methylates adenine in position 43 of U6 snRNAs . Also able to bind various lncRNAs, such as 7SK snRNA (7SK RNA) or 7SL RNA. Specifically binds the 3'-end of the MALAT1 long non-coding RNA. MALSKSMHARNRYKDKPPDFAYLASKYPDFKQHVQINLNGRVSLNFKDPEAVRALTCTLLREDFGLSIDIPLERLIPTVPLRLNYIHWVEDLIGHQDSDKSTLRRGIDIGTGASCIYPLLGATLNGWYFLATEVDDMCFNYAKKNVEQNNLSDLIKVVKVPQKTLLMDALKEESEIIYDFCMCNPPFFANQLEAKGVNSRNPRRPPPSSVNTGGITEIMAEGGELEFVKRIIHDSLQLKKRLRWYSCMLGKKCSLAPLKEELRIQGVPKVTYTEFCQGRTMRWALAWSFYDDVTVPSPPSKRRKLEKPRKPITFVVLASVMKELSLKASPLRSETAEGIVVVTTWIEKILTDLKVQHKRVPCGKEEVSLFLTAIENSWIHLRRKKRERVRQLREVPRAPEDVIQALEEKKPTPKESGNSQELARGPQERTPCGPALREGEAAAVEGPCPSQESLSQEENPEPTEDERSEEKGGVEVLESCQGSSNGAQDQEASEQFGSPVAERGKRLPGVAGQYLFKCLINVKKEVDDALVEMHWVEGQNRDLMNQLCTYIRNQIFRLVAVN methyltransferase superfamily; METTL16/RlmF family REG00018 METL5_HUMAN Methyltransferase-like 5 (METTL5) METTL5 29081 WRITER rRNA N6-adenosine-methyltransferase METTL5; DC3; HSPC133 Catalytic subunit of a heterodimer with TRMT112, which specifically methylates the 6th position of adenine in position 1832 of 18S rRNA. N6-methylation of adenine(1832) in 18S rRNA resides in the decoding center of 18S rRNA and is required for translation and embryonic stem cells (ESCs) pluripotency and differentiation. MKKVRLKELESRLQQVDGFEKPKLLLEQYPTRPHIAACMLYTIHNTYDDIENKVVADLGCGCGVLSIGTAMLGAGLCVGFDIDEDALEIFNRNAEEFELTNIDMVQCDVCLLSNRMSKSFDTVIMNPPFGTKNNKGTDMAFLKTALEMARTAVYSLHKSSTREHVQKKAAEWKIKIDIIAELRYDLPASYKFHKKKSVDIEVDLIRFSF methyltransferase superfamily; PrmA family REG00019 NKAP_HUMAN NF-kappa-B-activating protein (NKAP) NKAP 79576 READER FLJ22626, MRXSHD Acts as a transcriptional repressor. Plays a role as a transcriptional corepressor of the Notch-mediated signaling required for T-cell development. Also involved in the TNF and IL-1 induced NF-kappa-B activation. Associates with chromatin at the Notch-regulated SKP2 promoter. MAPVSGSRSPDREASGSGGRRRSSSKSPKPSKSARSPRGRRSRSHSCSRSGDRNGLTHQLGGLSQGSRNQSYRSRSRSRSRERPSAPRGIPFASASSSVYYGSYSRPYGSDKPWPSLLDKEREESLRQKRLSERERIGELGAPEVWGLSPKNPEPDSDEHTPVEDEEPKKSTTSASTSEEEKKKKSSRSKERSKKRRKKKSSKRKHKKYSEDSDSDSDSETDSSDEDNKRRAKKAKKKEKKKKHRSKKYKKKRSKKSRKESSDSSSKESQEEFLENPWKDRTKAEEPSDLIGPEAPKTLTSQDDKPLNYGHALLPGEGAAMAEYVKAGKRIPRRGEIGLTSEEIASFECSGYVMSGSRHRRMEAVRLRKENQIYSADEKRALASFNQEERRKRENKILASFREMVYRKTKGKDDK NKAP family REG00020 RBM15_HUMAN RNA-binding motif protein 15 (RBM15) RBM15 64783 WRITER One-twenty two protein 1; RNA-binding protein 15; OTT; OTT1 RNA-binding protein that acts as a key regulator of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of RNAs, thereby regulating different processes, such as hematopoietic cell homeostasis, alternative splicing of mRNAs and X chromosome inactivation mediated by Xist RNA. Associated component of the WMM complex, a complex that mediates N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of RNAs, a modification that plays a role in the efficiency of mRNA splicing and RNA processing (By similarity). Plays a key role in m6A methylation, possibly by binding target RNAs and recruiting the WMM complex. Involved in random X inactivation mediated by Xist RNA: acts by binding Xist RNA and recruiting the WMM complex, which mediates m6A methylation, leading to target YTHDC1 reader on Xist RNA and promoting transcription repression activity of Xist. Required for the development of multiple tissues, such as the maintenance of the homeostasis of long-term hematopoietic stem cells and for megakaryocyte (MK) and B-cell differentiation (By similarity). Regulates megakaryocyte differentiation by regulating alternative splicing of genes important for megakaryocyte differentiation; probably regulates alternative splicing via m6A regulation. Required for placental vascular branching morphogenesis and embryonic development of the heart and spleen (By similarity). Acts as a regulator of thrombopoietin response in hematopoietic stem cells by regulating alternative splicing of MPL (By similarity). May also function as an mRNA export factor, stimulating export and expression of RTE-containing mRNAs which are present in many retrotransposons that require to be exported prior to splicing . High affinity binding of pre-mRNA to RBM15 may allow targeting of the mRNP to the export helicase DBP5 in a manner that is independent of splicing-mediated NXF1 deposition, resulting in export prior to splicing . May be implicated in HOX gene regulation. MRTAGRDPVPRRSPRWRRAVPLCETSAGRRVTQLRGDDLRRPATMKGKERSPVKAKRSRGGEDSTSRGERSKKLGGSGGSNGSSSGKTDSGGGSRRSLHLDKSSSRGGSREYDTGGGSSSSRLHSYSSPSTKNSSGGGESRSSSRGGGGESRSSGAASSAPGGGDGAEYKTLKISELGSQLSDEAVEDGLFHEFKRFGDVSVKISHLSGSGSGDERVAFVNFRRPEDARAAKHARGRLVLYDRPLKIEAVYVSRRRSRSPLDKDTYPPSASVVGASVGGHRHPPGGGGGQRSLSPGGAALGYRDYRLQQLALGRLPPPPPPPLPRDLERERDYPFYERVRPAYSLEPRVGAGAGAAPFREVDEISPEDDQRANRTLFLGNLDITVTESDLRRAFDRFGVITEVDIKRPSRGQTSTYGFLKFENLDMSHRAKLAMSGKIIIRNPIKIGYGKATPTTRLWVGGLGPWVPLAALAREFDRFGTIRTIDYRKGDSWAYIQYESLDAAHAAWTHMRGFPLGGPDRRLRVDFADTEHRYQQQYLQPLPLTHYELVTDAFGHRAPDPLRGARDRTPPLLYRDRDRDLYPDSDWVPPPPPVRERSTRTAATSVPAYEPLDSLDRRRDGWSLDRDRGDRDLPSSRDQPRKRRLPEESGGRHLDRSPESDRPRKRHCAPSPDRSPELSSSRDRYNSDNDRSSRLLLERPSPIRDRRGSLEKSQGDKRDRKNSASAERDRKHRTTAPTEGKSPLKKEDRSDGSAPSTSTASSKLKSPSQKQDGGTAPVASASPKLCLAWQGMLLLKNSNFPSNMHLLQGDLQVASSLLVEGSTGGKVAQLKITQRLRLDQPKLDEVTRRIKVAGPNGYAILLAVPGSSDSRSSSSSAASDTATSTQRPLRNLVSYLKQKQAAGVISLPVGGNKDKENTGVLHAFPPCEFSQQFLDSPAKALAKSEEDYLVMIIVRGFGFQIGVRYENKKRENLALTLL RRM Spen family REG00021 RB15B_HUMAN RNA-binding motif protein 15B (RBM15B) RBM15B 29890 WRITER One-twenty two protein 3; HsOTT3; HuOTT3; Putative RNA-binding protein 15B; OTT3 RNA-binding protein that acts as a key regulator of N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of RNAs, thereby regulating different processes, such as alternative splicing of mRNAs and X chromosome inactivation mediated by Xist RNA. Associated component of the WMM complex, a complex that mediates N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of RNAs, a modification that plays a role in the efficiency of mRNA splicing and RNA processing. Plays a key role in m6A methylation, possibly by binding target RNAs and recruiting the WMM complex. Involved in random X inactivation mediated by Xist RNA: acts by binding Xist RNA and recruiting the WMM complex, which mediates m6A methylation, leading to target YTHDC1 reader on Xist RNA and promoting transcription repression activity of Xist. Functions in the regulation of alternative or illicit splicing, possibly by regulating m6A methylation. Inhibits pre-mRNA splicing. Also functions as a mRNA export factor by acting as a cofactor for the nuclear export receptor NXF1. MKRQSERDSSPSGRGSSSSAKRPREREREAEAGGRRAAHKASGGAKHPVPARARDKPRGSGSGGGGHRDGRGTGDANHRASSGRSSGSGAGGGGRGGKASGDPGASGMSPRASPLPPPPPPPGAEPACPGSSAAAPEYKTLLISSLSPALPAEHLEDRLFHQFKRFGEISLRLSHTPELGRVAYVNFRHPQDAREARQHALARQLLLYDRPLKVEPVYLRGGGGSSRRSSSSSAAASTPPPGPPAPADPLGYLPLHGGYQYKQRSLSPVAAPPLREPRARHAAAAFALDAAAAAAVGLSRERALDYYGLYDDRGRPYGYPAVCEEDLMPEDDQRATRNLFIGNLDHSVSEVELRRAFEKYGIIEEVVIKRPARGQGGAYAFLKFQNLDMAHRAKVAMSGRVIGRNPIKIGYGKANPTTRLWVGGLGPNTSLAALAREFDRFGSIRTIDHVKGDSFAYIQYESLDAAQAACAKMRGFPLGGPDRRLRVDFAKAEETRYPQQYQPSPLPVHYELLTDGYTRHRNLDADLVRDRTPPHLLYSDRDRTFLEGDWTSPSKSSDRRNSLEGYSRSVRSRSGERWGADGDRGLPKPWEERRKRRSLSSDRGRTTHSPYEERSRTKGSGQQSERGSDRTPERSRKENHSSEGTKESSSNSLSNSRHGAEERGHHHHHHEAADSSHGKKARDSERNHRTTEAEPKPLEEPKHETKKLKNLSEYAQTLQLGWNGLLVLKNSCFPTSMHILEGDQGVISSLLKDHTSGSKLTQLKIAQRLRLDQPKLDEVTRRIKQGSPNGYAVLLATQATPSGLGTEGMPTVEPGLQRRLLRNLVSYLKQKQAAGVISLPVGGSKGRDGTGMLYAFPPCDFSQQYLQSALRTLGKLEEEHMVIVIVRDTA RRM Spen family REG00022 YTDC1_HUMAN YTH domain-containing protein 1 (YTHDC1) YTHDC1 91746 READER Splicing factor YT521; YT521-B; KIAA1966; YT521 Regulator of alternative splicing that specifically recognizes and binds N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing RNAs. M6A is a modification present at internal sites of mRNAs and some non-coding RNAs and plays a role in the efficiency of mRNA splicing, processing and stability. Acts as a key regulator of exon-inclusion or exon-skipping during alternative splicing via interaction with mRNA splicing factors SRSF3 and SRSF10. Specifically binds m6A-containing mRNAs and promotes recruitment of SRSF3 to its mRNA-binding elements adjacent to m6A sites, leading to exon-inclusion during alternative splicing. In contrast, interaction with SRSF3 prevents interaction with SRSF10, a splicing factor that promotes exon skipping: this prevents SRSF10 from binding to its mRNA-binding sites close to m6A-containing regions, leading to inhibit exon skipping during alternative splicing. May also regulate alternative splice site selection. Also involved in nuclear export of m6A-containing mRNAs via interaction with SRSF3: interaction with SRSF3 facilitates m6A-containing mRNA-binding to both SRSF3 and NXF1, promoting mRNA nuclear export. Involved in S-adenosyl-L-methionine homeostasis by regulating expression of MAT2A transcripts, probably by binding m6A-containing MAT2A mRNAs (By similarity). Also recognizes and binds m6A on other RNA molecules. Involved in random X inactivation mediated by Xist RNA: recognizes and binds m6A-containing Xist and promotes transcription repression activity of Xist. Also recognizes and binds m6A-containing single-stranded DNA. Involved in germline development: required for spermatogonial development in males and oocyte growth and maturation in females, probably via its role in alternative splicing (By similarity). MAADSREEKDGELNVLDDILTEVPEQDDELYNPESEQDKNEKKGSKRKSDRMESTDTKRQKPSVHSRQLVSKPLSSSVSNNKRIVSTKGKSATEYKNEEYQRSERNKRLDADRKIRLSSSASREPYKNQPEKTCVRKRDPERRAKSPTPDGSERIGLEVDRRASRSSQSSKEEVNSEEYGSDHETGSSGSSDEQGNNTENEEEGVEEDVEEDEEVEEDAEEDEEVDEDGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYEQDERDQKEEGNDYDTRSEASDSGSESVSFTDGSVRSGSGTDGSDEKKKERKRARGISPIVFDRSGSSASESYAGSEKKHEKLSSSVRAVRKDQTSKLKYVLQDARFFLIKSNNHENVSLAKAKGVWSTLPVNEKKLNLAFRSARSVILIFSVRESGKFQGFARLSSESHHGGSPIHWVLPAGMSAKMLGGVFKIDWICRRELPFTKSAHLTNPWNEHKPVKIGRDGQEIELECGTQLCLLFPPDESIDLYQVIHKMRHKRRMHSQPRSRGRPSRREPVRDVGRRRPEDYDIHNSRKKPRIDYPPEFHQRPGYLKDPRYQEVDRRFSGVRRDVFLNGSYNDYVREFHNMGPPPPWQGMPPYPGMEQPPHHPYYQHHAPPPQAHPPYSGHHPVPHEARYRDKRVHDYDMRVDDFLRRTQAVVSGRRSRPRERDRERERDRPRDNRRDRERDRGRDRERERERLCDRDRDRGERGRYRR . REG00023 YTDC2_HUMAN YTH domain-containing protein 2 (YTHDC2) YTHDC2 64848 READER 3'-5' RNA helicase YTHDC2; hYTHDC2 3'-5' RNA helicase that plays a key role in the male and female germline by promoting transition from mitotic to meiotic divisions in stem cells. Specifically recognizes and binds N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing RNAs, a modification present at internal sites of mRNAs and some non-coding RNAs that plays a role in the efficiency of RNA processing and stability. Essential for ensuring a successful progression of the meiotic program in the germline by regulating the level of m6A-containing RNAs (By similarity). Acts by binding and promoting degradation of m6A-containing mRNAs: the 3'-5' RNA helicase activity is required for this process and RNA degradation may be mediated by XRN1 exoribonuclease. Required for both spermatogenesis and oogenesis (By similarity). MSRPSSVSPRQPAPGGGGGGGPSPCGPGGGGRAKGLKDIRIDEEVKIAVNIALERFRYGDQREMEFPSSLTSTERAFIHRLSQSLGLVSKSKGKGANRYLTVKKKDGSETAHAMMTCNLTHNTKHAVRSLIQRFPVTNKERTELLPKTERGNVFAVEAENREMSKTSGRLNNGIPQIPVKRGESEFDSFRQSLPVFEKQEEIVKIIKENKVVLIVGETGSGKTTQIPQFLLDDCFKNGIPCRIFCTQPRRLAAIAVAERVAAERRERIGQTIGYQIRLESRVSPKTLLTFCTNGVLLRTLMAGDSTLSTVTHVIVDEVHERDRFSDFLLTKLRDLLQKHPTLKLILSSAALDVNLFIRYFGSCPVIYIQGRPFEVKEMFLEDILRTTGYTNKEMLKYKKEKQQEEKQQTTLTEWYSAQENSFKPESQRQRTVLNVTDEYDLLDDGGDAVFSQLTEKDVNCLEPWLIKEMDACLSDIWLHKDIDAFAQVFHLILTENVSVDYRHSETSATALMVAAGRGFASQVEQLISMGANVHSKASNGWMALDWAKHFGQTEIVDLLESYSATLEFGNLDESSLVQTNGSDLSAEDRELLKAYHHSFDDEKVDLDLIMHLLYNICHSCDAGAVLIFLPGYDEIVGLRDRILFDDKRFADSTHRYQVFMLHSNMQTSDQKKVLKNPPAGVRKIILSTNIAETSITVNDVVFVIDSGKVKEKSFDALNFVTMLKMVWISKASAIQRKGRAGRCRPGICFRLFSRLRFQNMLEFQTPELLRMPLQELCLHTKLLAPVNCPIADFLMKAPEPPPALIVRNAVQMLKTIDAMDTWEDLTELGYHLADLPVEPHLGKMVLCAVVLKCLDPILTIACTLAYRDPFVLPTQASQKRAAMLCRKRFTAGAFSDHMALLRAFQAWQKARSDGWERAFCEKNFLSQATMEIIIGMRTQLLGQLRASGFVRARGGGDIRDVNTNSENWAVVKAALVAGMYPNLVHVDRENLVLTGPKEKKVRFHPASVLSQPQYKKIPPANGQAAAIKALPTDWLIYDEMTRAHRIANIRCCSAVTPVTILVFCGPARLASNALQEPSSFRVDGIPNDSSDSEMEDKTTANLAALKLDEWLHFTLEPEAASLLLQLRQKWHSLFLRRMRAPSKPWSQVDEATIRAIIAVLSTEEQSAGLQQPSGIGQRPRPMSSEELPLASSWRSNNSRKSSADTEFSDECTTAERVLMKSPSPALHPPQKYKDRGILHPKRGTEDRSDQSSLKSTDSSSYPSPCASPSPPSSGKGSKSPSPRPNMPVRYFIMKSSNLRNLEISQQKGIWSTTPSNERKLNRAFWESSIVYLVFSVQGSGHFQGFSRMSSEIGREKSQDWGSAGLGGVFKVEWIRKESLPFQFAHHLLNPWNDNKKVQISRDGQELEPLVGEQLLQLWERLPLGEKNTTD DEAD box helicase family; DEAH subfamily REG00024 YTHD1_HUMAN YTH domain-containing family protein 1 (YTHDF1) YTHDF1 54915 READER DF1; Dermatomyositis associated with cancer putative autoantigen 1; DACA-1; C20orf21 Specifically recognizes and binds N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing mRNAs, and regulates their stability. M6A is a modification present at internal sites of mRNAs and some non-coding RNAs and plays a role in mRNA stability and processing. Acts as a regulator of mRNA stability by promoting degradation of m6A-containing mRNAs via interaction with the CCR4-NOT complex. The YTHDF paralogs (YTHDF1, YTHDF2 and YTHDF3) shares m6A-containing mRNAs targets and act redundantly to mediate mRNA degradation and cellular differentiation. Required to facilitate learning and memory formation in the hippocampus by binding to m6A-containing neuronal mRNAs (By similarity). Acts as a regulator of axon guidance by binding to m6A-containing ROBO3 transcripts (By similarity). Acts as a negative regulator of antigen cross-presentation in myeloid dendritic cells (By similarity). In the context of tumorigenesis, negative regulation of antigen cross-presentation limits the anti-tumor response by reducing efficiency of tumor-antigen cross-presentation (By similarity). Promotes formation of phase-separated membraneless compartments, such as P-bodies or stress granules, by undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation upon binding to mRNAs containing multiple m6A-modified residues: polymethylated mRNAs act as a multivalent scaffold for the binding of YTHDF proteins, juxtaposing their disordered regions and thereby leading to phase separation. The resulting mRNA-YTHDF complexes then partition into different endogenous phase-separated membraneless compartments, such as P-bodies, stress granules or neuronal RNA granules. MSATSVDTQRTKGQDNKVQNGSLHQKDTVHDNDFEPYLTGQSNQSNSYPSMSDPYLSSYYPPSIGFPYSLNEAPWSTAGDPPIPYLTTYGQLSNGDHHFMHDAVFGQPGGLGNNIYQHRFNFFPENPAFSAWGTSGSQGQQTQSSAYGSSYTYPPSSLGGTVVDGQPGFHSDTLSKAPGMNSLEQGMVGLKIGDVSSSAVKTVGSVVSSVALTGVLSGNGGTNVNMPVSKPTSWAAIASKPAKPQPKMKTKSGPVMGGGLPPPPIKHNMDIGTWDNKGPVPKAPVPQQAPSPQAAPQPQQVAQPLPAQPPALAQPQYQSPQQPPQTRWVAPRNRNAAFGQSGGAGSDSNSPGNVQPNSAPSVESHPVLEKLKAAHSYNPKEFEWNLKSGRVFIIKSYSEDDIHRSIKYSIWCSTEHGNKRLDSAFRCMSSKGPVYLLFSVNGSGHFCGVAEMKSPVDYGTSAGVWSQDKWKGKFDVQWIFVKDVPNNQLRHIRLENNDNKPVTNSRDTQEVPLEKAKQVLKIISSYKHTTSIFDDFAHYEKRQEEEEVVRKERQSRNKQ YTHDF family; YTHDF1 subfamily REG00025 YTHD3_HUMAN YTH domain-containing family protein 3 (YTHDF3) YTHDF3 253943 READER DF3 Specifically recognizes and binds N6-methyladenosine (m6A)-containing RNAs, and regulates their stability. M6A is a modification present at internal sites of mRNAs and some non-coding RNAs and plays a role in mRNA stability and processing. Acts as a regulator of mRNA stability by promoting degradation of m6A-containing mRNAs via interaction with the CCR4-NOT complex or PAN3. The YTHDF paralogs (YTHDF1, YTHDF2 and YTHDF3) share m6A-containing mRNAs targets and act redundantly to mediate mRNA degradation and cellular differentiation. Acts as a negative regulator of type I interferon response by down-regulating interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) expression: acts by binding to FOXO3 mRNAs (By similarity). Binds to FOXO3 mRNAs independently of METTL3-mediated m6A modification (By similarity). Can also act as a regulator of mRNA stability in cooperation with YTHDF2 by binding to m6A-containing mRNA and promoting their degradation. Recognizes and binds m6A-containing circular RNAs (circRNAs); circRNAs are generated through back-splicing of pre-mRNAs, a non-canonical splicing process promoted by dsRNA structures across circularizing exons. Promotes formation of phase-separated membraneless compartments, such as P-bodies or stress granules, by undergoing liquid-liquid phase separation upon binding to mRNAs containing multiple m6A-modified residues: polymethylated mRNAs act as a multivalent scaffold for the binding of YTHDF proteins, juxtaposing their disordered regions and thereby leading to phase separation. The resulting mRNA-YTHDF complexes then partition into different endogenous phase-separated membraneless compartments, such as P-bodies, stress granules or neuronal RNA granules. May also recognize and bind N1-methyladenosine (m1A)-containing mRNAs: inhibits trophoblast invasion by binding to m1A-methylated transcripts of IGF1R, promoting their degradation; Has some antiviral activity against HIV-1 virus: incorporated into HIV-1 particles in a nucleocapsid-dependent manner and reduces viral infectivity in the next cycle of infection . May interfere with this early step of the viral life cycle by binding to N6-methyladenosine (m6A) modified sites on the HIV-1 RNA genome. MSATSVDQRPKGQGNKVSVQNGSIHQKDAVNDDDFEPYLSSQTNQSNSYPPMSDPYMPSYYAPSIGFPYSLGEAAWSTAGDQPMPYLTTYGQMSNGEHHYIPDGVFSQPGALGNTPPFLGQHGFNFFPGNADFSTWGTSGSQGQSTQSSAYSSSYGYPPSSLGRAITDGQAGFGNDTLSKVPGISSIEQGMTGLKIGGDLTAAVTKTVGTALSSSGMTSIATNSVPPVSSAAPKPTSWAAIARKPAKPQPKLKPKGNVGIGGSAVPPPPIKHNMNIGTWDEKGSVVKAPPTQPVLPPQTIIQQPQPLIQPPPLVQSQLPQQQPQPPQPQQQQGPQPQAQPHQVQPQQQQLQNRWVAPRNRGAGFNQNNGAGSENFGLGVVPVSASPSSVEVHPVLEKLKAINNYNPKDFDWNLKNGRVFIIKSYSEDDIHRSIKYSIWCSTEHGNKRLDAAYRSLNGKGPLYLLFSVNGSGHFCGVAEMKSVVDYNAYAGVWSQDKWKGKFEVKWIFVKDVPNNQLRHIRLENNDNKPVTNSRDTQEVPLEKAKQVLKIIATFKHTTSIFDDFAHYEKRQEEEEAMRRERNRNKQ YTHDF family; YTHDF3 subfamily REG00027 RBMX_HUMAN RNA binding protein X (RBMX) RBMX 27316 READER RNA-binding motif protein, X chromosome, Glycoprotein p43; Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein G; hnRNP G; HNRPG; RBMXP1 RNA-binding protein that plays several role in the regulation of pre- and post-transcriptional processes. Implicated in tissue-specific regulation of gene transcription and alternative splicing of several pre-mRNAs. Binds to and stimulates transcription from the tumor suppressor TXNIP gene promoter; may thus be involved in tumor suppression. When associated with SAFB, binds to and stimulates transcription from the SREBF1 promoter. Associates with nascent mRNAs transcribed by RNA polymerase II. Component of the supraspliceosome complex that regulates pre-mRNA alternative splice site selection. Can either activate or suppress exon inclusion; acts additively with TRA2B to promote exon 7 inclusion of the survival motor neuron SMN2. Represses the splicing of MAPT/Tau exon 10. Binds preferentially to single-stranded 5'-CC[A/C]-rich RNA sequence motifs localized in a single-stranded conformation; probably binds RNA as a homodimer. Binds non-specifically to pre-mRNAs. Plays also a role in the cytoplasmic TNFR1 trafficking pathways; promotes both the IL-1-beta-mediated inducible proteolytic cleavage of TNFR1 ectodomains and the release of TNFR1 exosome-like vesicles to the extracellular compartment. MVEADRPGKLFIGGLNTETNEKALEAVFGKYGRIVEVLLMKDRETNKSRGFAFVTFESPADAKDAARDMNGKSLDGKAIKVEQATKPSFESGRRGPPPPPRSRGPPRGLRGGRGGSGGTRGPPSRGGHMDDGGYSMNFNMSSSRGPLPVKRGPPPRSGGPPPKRSAPSGPVRSSSGMGGRAPVSRGRDSYGGPPRREPLPSRRDVYLSPRDDGYSTKDSYSSRDYPSSRDTRDYAPPPRDYTYRDYGHSSSRDDYPSRGYSDRDGYGRDRDYSDHPSGGSYRDSYESYGNSRSAPPTRGPPPSYGGSSRYDDYSSSRDGYGGSRDSYSSSRSDLYSSGRDRVGRQERGLPPSMERGYPPPRDSYSSSSRGAPRGGGRGGSRSDRGGGRSRY . REG00026 ZC3HD_HUMAN Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 13 (ZC3H13) ZC3H13 23091 WRITER KIAA0853 Associated component of the WMM complex, a complex that mediates N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of RNAs, a modification that plays a role in the efficiency of mRNA splicing and RNA processing . Acts as a key regulator of m6A methylation by promoting m6A methylation of mRNAs at the 3'-UTR (By similarity). Controls embryonic stem cells (ESCs) pluripotency via its role in m6A methylation (By similarity). In the WMM complex, anchors component of the MACOM subcomplex in the nucleus (By similarity). Also required for bridging WTAP to the RNA-binding component RBM15 (RBM15 or RBM15B) (By similarity). MSKIRRKVTVENTKTISDSTSRRPSVFERLGPSTGSTAETQCRNWLKTGNCLYGNTCRFVHGPSPRGKGYSSNYRRSPERPTGDLRERMKNKRQDVDTEPQKRNTEESSSPVRKESSRGRHREKEDIKITKERTPESEEENVEWETNRDDSDNGDINYDYVHELSLEMKRQKIQRELMKLEQENMEKREEIIIKKEVSPEVVRSKLSPSPSLRKSSKSPKRKSSPKSSSASKKDRKTSAVSSPLLDQQRNSKTNQSKKKGPRTPSPPPPIPEDIALGKKYKEKYKVKDRIEEKTRDGKDRGRDFERQREKRDKPRSTSPAGQHHSPISSRHHSSSSQSGSSIQRHSPSPRRKRTPSPSYQRTLTPPLRRSASPYPSHSLSSPQRKQSPPRHRSPMREKGRHDHERTSQSHDRRHERREDTRGKRDREKDSREEREYEQDQSSSRDHRDDREPRDGRDRRDARDTRDRRELRDSRDMRDSREMRDYSRDTKESRDPRDSRSTRDAHDYRDREGRDTHRKEDTYPEESRSYGRNHLREESSRTEIRNESRNESRSEIRNDRMGRSRGRVPELPEKGSRGSRGSQIDSHSSNSNYHDSWETRSSYPERDRYPERDNRDQARDSSFERRHGERDRRDNRERDQRPSSPIRHQGRNDELERDERREERRVDRVDDRRDERARERDRERERDRERERERERERDREREKERELERERAREREREREKERDRERDRDRDHDRERERERERDREKEREREREERERERERERERERERERERERARERDKERERQRDWEDKDKGRDDRREKREEIREDRNPRDGHDERKSKKRYRNEGSPSPRQSPKRRREHSPDSDAYNSGDDKNEKHRLLSQVVRPQESRSLSPSHLTEDRQGRWKEEDRKPERKESSRRYEEQELKEKVSSVDKQREQTEILESSRMRAQDIIGHHQSEDRETSDRAHDENKKKAKIQKKPIKKKKEDDVGIERGNIETTSEDGQVFSPKKGQKKKSIEKKRKKSKGDSDISDEEAAQQSKKKRGPRTPPITTKEELVEMCNGKNGILEDSQKKEDTAFSDWSDEDVPDRTEVTEAEHTATATTPGSTPSPLSSLLPPPPPVATATATTVPATLAATTAAAATSFSTSAITISTSATPTNTTNNTFANEDSHRKCHRTRVEKVETPHVTIEDAQHRKPMDQKRSSSLGSNRSNRSHTSGRLRSPSNDSAHRSGDDQSGRKRVLHSGSRDREKTKSLEITGERKSRIDQLKRGEPSRSTSSDRQDSRSHSSRRSSPESDRQVHSRSGSFDSRDRLQERDRYEHDRERERERRDTRQREWDRDADKDWPRNRDRDRLRERERERERDKRRDLDRERERLISDSVERDRDRDRDRTFESSQIESVKRCEAKLEGEHERDLESTSRDSLALDKERMDKDLGSVQGFEETNKSERTESLEGDDESKLDDAHSLGSGAGEGYEPISDDELDEILAGDAEKREDQQDEEKMPDPLDVIDVDWSGLMPKHPKEPREPGAALLKFTPGAVMLRVGISKKLAGSELFAKVKETCQRLLEKPKDADNLFEHELGALNMAALLRKEERASLLSNLGPCCKALCFRRDSAIRKQLVKNEKGTIKQAYTSAPMVDNELLRLSLRLFKRKTTCHAPGHEKTEDNKLSQSSIQQELCVS ZC3H13 family REG00029 FMR1_HUMAN Synaptic functional regulator FMR1 (FMR1) FMR1 2332 READER FMR1; Fragile X mental retardation protein 1; FMRP; Protein FMR-1 Multifunctional polyribosome-associated RNA-binding protein that plays a central role in neuronal development and synaptic plasticity through the regulation of alternative mRNA splicing, mRNA stability, mRNA dendritic transport and postsynaptic local protein synthesis of a subset of mRNAs. Plays a role in the alternative splicing of its own mRNA. Plays a role in mRNA nuclear export (By similarity). Together with export factor NXF2, is involved in the regulation of the NXF1 mRNA stability in neurons (By similarity). Stabilizes the scaffolding postsynaptic density protein DLG4/PSD-95 and the myelin basic protein (MBP) mRNAs in hippocampal neurons and glial cells, respectively; this stabilization is further increased in response to metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR) stimulation (By similarity). Plays a role in selective delivery of a subset of dendritic mRNAs to synaptic sites in response to mGluR activation in a kinesin-dependent manner (By similarity). Plays a role as a repressor of mRNA translation during the transport of dendritic mRNAs to postsynaptic dendritic spines. Component of the CYFIP1-EIF4E-FMR1 complex which blocks cap-dependent mRNA translation initiation (By similarity). Represses mRNA translation by stalling ribosomal translocation during elongation (By similarity). Reports are contradictory with regards to its ability to mediate translation inhibition of MBP mRNA in oligodendrocytes. Also involved in the recruitment of the RNA helicase MOV10 to a subset of mRNAs and hence regulates microRNA (miRNA)-mediated translational repression by AGO2. Plays also a role as an activator of mRNA translation of a subset of dendritic mRNAs at synapses . In response to mGluR stimulation, FMR1-target mRNAs are rapidly derepressed, allowing for local translation at synapses (By similarity). Binds to a large subset of dendritic mRNAs that encode a myriad of proteins involved in pre- and postsynaptic functions. Binds to 5'-ACU[GU]-3' and/or 5'-[AU]GGA-3' RNA consensus sequences within mRNA targets, mainly at coding sequence (CDS) and 3'-untranslated region (UTR) and less frequently at 5'-UTR. Binds to intramolecular G-quadruplex structures in the 5'- or 3'-UTRs of mRNA targets. Binds also to RNA ligands harboring a kissing complex (kc) structure; this binding may mediate the association of FMR1 with polyribosomes. Binds mRNAs containing U-rich target sequences. Binds to a triple stem-loop RNA structure, called Sod1 stem loop interacting with FMRP (SoSLIP), in the 5'-UTR region of superoxide dismutase SOD1 mRNA. Binds to the dendritic, small non-coding brain cytoplasmic RNA 1 (BC1); which may increase the association of the CYFIP1-EIF4E-FMR1 complex to FMR1 target mRNAs at synapses (By similarity). Associates with export factor NXF1 mRNA-containing ribonucleoprotein particles (mRNPs) in a NXF2-dependent manner (By similarity). Binds to a subset of miRNAs in the brain ). May associate with nascent transcripts in a nuclear protein NXF1-dependent manner. In vitro, binds to RNA homomer; preferentially on poly(G) and to a lesser extent on poly(U), but not on poly(A) or poly(C). Moreover, plays a role in the modulation of the sodium-activated potassium channel KCNT1 gating activity. Negatively regulates the voltage-dependent calcium channel current density in soma and presynaptic terminals of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons, and hence regulates synaptic vesicle exocytosis (By similarity). Modulates the voltage-dependent calcium channel CACNA1B expression at the plasma membrane by targeting the channels for proteosomal degradation (By similarity). Plays a role in regulation of MAP1B-dependent microtubule dynamics during neuronal development (By similarity). Recently, has been shown to play a translation-independent role in the modulation of presynaptic action potential (AP) duration and neurotransmitter release via large-conductance calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels in hippocampal and cortical excitatory neurons. Finally, FMR1 may be involved in the control of DNA damage response (DDR) mechanisms through the regulation of ATR-dependent signaling pathways such as histone H2AX/H2A.x and BRCA1 phosphorylations; FUNCTION: [Isoform 10]: Binds to RNA homomer; preferentially on poly(G) and to a lesser extent on poly(U), but not on poly(A) or poly(C). May bind to RNA in Cajal bodies: Binds to RNA homomer; preferentially on poly(G) and to a lesser extent on poly(U), but not on poly(A) or poly(C). May bind to RNA in Cajal bodies; FUNCTION: (Microbial infection) Acts as a positive regulator of influenza A virus (IAV) replication. Required for the assembly and nuclear export of the viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) components. MEELVVEVRGSNGAFYKAFVKDVHEDSITVAFENNWQPDRQIPFHDVRFPPPVGYNKDINESDEVEVYSRANEKEPCCWWLAKVRMIKGEFYVIEYAACDATYNEIVTIERLRSVNPNKPATKDTFHKIKLDVPEDLRQMCAKEAAHKDFKKAVGAFSVTYDPENYQLVILSINEVTSKRAHMLIDMHFRSLRTKLSLIMRNEEASKQLESSRQLASRFHEQFIVREDLMGLAIGTHGANIQQARKVPGVTAIDLDEDTCTFHIYGEDQDAVKKARSFLEFAEDVIQVPRNLVGKVIGKNGKLIQEIVDKSGVVRVRIEAENEKNVPQEEEIMPPNSLPSNNSRVGPNAPEEKKHLDIKENSTHFSQPNSTKVQRVLVASSVVAGESQKPELKAWQGMVPFVFVGTKDSIANATVLLDYHLNYLKEVDQLRLERLQIDEQLRQIGASSRPPPNRTDKEKSYVTDDGQGMGRGSRPYRNRGHGRRGPGYTSGTNSEASNASETESDHRDELSDWSLAPTEEERESFLRRGDGRRRGGGGRGQGGRGRGGGFKGNDDHSRTDNRPRNPREAKGRTTDGSLQIRVDCNNERSVHTKTLQNTSSEGSRLRTGKDRNQKKEKPDSVDGQQPLVNGVP FMR1 family REG00030 IBP3_HUMAN Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 3 (IGFBP3) IGFBP3 3486 READER IGFBP3; IBP3; IBP-3; IGF-binding protein 3; IGFBP-3 IGF-binding proteins prolong the half-life of the IGFs and have been shown to either inhibit or stimulate the growth promoting effects of the IGFs on cell culture. They alter the interaction of IGFs with their cell surface receptors. Also exhibits IGF-independent antiproliferative and apoptotic effects mediated by its receptor TMEM219/IGFBP-3R. Inhibits the positive effect of humanin on insulin sensitivity . Promotes testicular germ cell apoptosis. MQRARPTLWAAALTLLVLLRGPPVARAGASSAGLGPVVRCEPCDARALAQCAPPPAVCAELVREPGCGCCLTCALSEGQPCGIYTERCGSGLRCQPSPDEARPLQALLDGRGLCVNASAVSRLRAYLLPAPPAPGNASESEEDRSAGSVESPSVSSTHRVSDPKFHPLHSKIIIIKKGHAKDSQRYKVDYESQSTDTQNFSSESKRETEYGPCRREMEDTLNHLKFLNVLSPRGVHIPNCDKKGFYKKKQCRPSKGRKRGFCWCVDKYGQPLPGYTTKGKEDVHCYSMQSK . REG00031 EIF3A_HUMAN Eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (EIF3A) EIF3A 8661 READER EIF3A; EIF3S10; KIAA0139; eIF3a; Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit 10; eIF-3-theta; eIF3 p167; eIF3 p180; eIF3 p185; Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit A RNA-binding component of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF-3) complex, which is required for several steps in the initiation of protein synthesis. The eIF-3 complex associates with the 40S ribosome and facilitates the recruitment of eIF-1, eIF-1A, eIF-2:GTP:methionyl-tRNAi and eIF-5 to form the 43S pre-initiation complex (43S PIC). The eIF-3 complex stimulates mRNA recruitment to the 43S PIC and scanning of the mRNA for AUG recognition. The eIF-3 complex is also required for disassembly and recycling of post-termination ribosomal complexes and subsequently prevents premature joining of the 40S and 60S ribosomal subunits prior to initiation. The eIF-3 complex specifically targets and initiates translation of a subset of mRNAs involved in cell proliferation, including cell cycling, differentiation and apoptosis, and uses different modes of RNA stem-loop binding to exert either translational activation or repression; FUNCTION: (Microbial infection) Essential for the initiation of translation on type-1 viral ribosomal entry sites (IRESs), like for HCV, PV, EV71 or BEV translation; FUNCTION: (Microbial infection) In case of FCV infection, plays a role in the ribosomal termination-reinitiation event leading to the translation of VP2. MPAYFQRPENALKRANEFLEVGKKQPALDVLYDVMKSKKHRTWQKIHEPIMLKYLELCVDLRKSHLAKEGLYQYKNICQQVNIKSLEDVVRAYLKMAEEKTEAAKEESQQMVLDIEDLDNIQTPESVLLSAVSGEDTQDRTDRLLLTPWVKFLWESYRQCLDLLRNNSRVERLYHDIAQQAFKFCLQYTRKAEFRKLCDNLRMHLSQIQRHHNQSTAINLNNPESQSMHLETRLVQLDSAISMELWQEAFKAVEDIHGLFSLSKKPPKPQLMANYYNKVSTVFWKSGNALFHASTLHRLYHLSREMRKNLTQDEMQRMSTRVLLATLSIPITPERTDIARLLDMDGIIVEKQRRLATLLGLQAPPTRIGLINDMVRFNVLQYVVPEVKDLYNWLEVEFNPLKLCERVTKVLNWVREQPEKEPELQQYVPQLQNNTILRLLQQVSQIYQSIEFSRLTSLVPFVDAFQLERAIVDAARHCDLQVRIDHTSRTLSFGSDLNYATREDAPIGPHLQSMPSEQIRNQLTAMSSVLAKALEVIKPAHILQEKEEQHQLAVTAYLKNSRKEHQRILARRQTIEERKERLESLNIQREKEELEQREAELQKVRKAEEERLRQEAKEREKERILQEHEQIKKKTVRERLEQIKKTELGAKAFKDIDIEDLEELDPDFIMAKQVEQLEKEKKELQERLKNQEKKIDYFERAKRLEEIPLIKSAYEEQRIKDMDLWEQQEEERITTMQLEREKALEHKNRMSRMLEDRDLFVMRLKAARQSVYEEKLKQFEERLAEERHNRLEERKRQRKEERRITYYREKEEEEQRRAEEQMLKEREERERAERAKREEELREYQERVKKLEEVERKKRQRELEIEERERRREEERRLGDSSLSRKDSRWGDRDSEGTWRKGPEADSEWRRGPPEKEWRRGEGRDEDRSHRRDEERPRRLGDDEDREPSLRPDDDRVPRRGMDDDRGPRRGPEEDRFSRRGADDDRPSWRNTDDDRPPRRIADEDRGNWRHADDDRPPRRGLDEDRGSWRTADEDRGPRRGMDDDRGPRRGGADDERSSWRNADDDRGPRRGLDDDRGPRRGMDDDRGPRRGMDDDRGPRRGMDDDRGPRRGLDDDRGPWRNADDDRIPRRGAEDDRGPWRNMDDDRLSRRADDDRFPRRGDDSRPGPWRPLVKPGGWREKEKAREESWGPPRESRPSEEREWDREKERDRDNQDREENDKDPERERDRERDVDREDRFRRPRDEGGWRRGPAEESSSWRDSSRRDDRDRDDRRRERDDRRDLRERRDLRDDRDRRGPPLRSEREEVSSWRRADDRKDDRVEERDPPRRVPPPALSRDRERDRDREREGEKEKASWRAEKDRESLRRTKNETDEDGWTTVRR eIF-3 subunit A family REG00032 HAKAI_HUMAN E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase Hakai (CBLL1) CBLL1 79872 WRITER CBLL1; HAKAI; RNF188; EC; Casitas B-lineage lymphoma-transforming sequence-like protein 1; c-Cbl-like protein 1; RING finger protein 188; RING-type E3 ubiquitin transferase Hakai E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase that mediates ubiquitination of several tyrosine-phosphorylated Src substrates, including CDH1, CTTN and DOK1 (By similarity). Targets CDH1 for endocytosis and degradation (By similarity). Associated component of the WMM complex, a complex that mediates N6-methyladenosine (m6A) methylation of RNAs, a modification that plays a role in the efficiency of mRNA splicing and RNA processing. Its function in the WMM complex is unknown. MDHTDNELQGTNSSGSLGGLDVRRRIPIKLISKQANKAKPAPRTQRTINRMPAKAPPGDEEGFDYNEEERYDCKGGELFANQRRFPGHLFWDFQINILGEKDDTPVHFCDKCGLPIKIYGRMIPCKHVFCYDCAILHEKKGDKMCPGCSDPVQRIEQCTRGSLFMCSIVQGCKRTYLSQRDLQAHINHRHMRAGKPVTRASLENVHPPIAPPPTEIPERFIMPPDKHHMSHIPPKQHIMMPPPPLQHVPHEHYNQPHEDIRAPPAELSMAPPPPRSVSQETFRISTRKHSNLITVPIQDDSNSGAREPPPPAPAPAHHHPEYQGQPVVSHPHHIMPPQQHYAPPPPPPPPISHPMPHPPQAAGTPHLVYSQAPPPPMTSAPPPITPPPGHIIAQMPPYMNHPPPGPPPPQHGGPPVTAPPPHHYNPNSLPQFTEDQGTLSPPFTQPGGMSPGIWPAPRGPPPPPRLQGPPSQTPLPGPHHPDQTRYRPYYQ Hakai family REG00033 ZCHC4_HUMAN Zinc finger CCHC domain-containing protein 4 (ZCCHC4) ZCCHC4 29063 WRITER rRNA N6-adenosine-methyltransferase ZCCHC4; Zinc finger CCHC domain-containing protein 4 rRNA N6-methyltransferase that specifically methylates the adenine in position 4220 of 28S rRNA. N6-methylation of adenine(4220) in 28S rRNA is required for translation. MAASRNGFEAVEAEGSAGCRGSSGMEVVLPLDPAVPAPLCPHGPTLLFVKVTQGKEETRRFYACSACRDRKDCNFFQWEDEKLSGARLAAREAHNRRCQPPLSRTQCVERYLKFIELPLTQRKFCQTCQQLLLPDDWGQHSEHQVLGNVSITQLRRPSQLLYPLENKKTNAQYLFADRSCQFLVDLLSALGFRRVLCVGTPRLHELIKLTASGDKKSNIKSLLLDIDFRYSQFYMEDSFCHYNMFNHHFFDGKTALEVCRAFLQEDKGEGIIMVTDPPFGGLVEPLAITFKKLIAMWKEGQSQDDSHKELPIFWIFPYFFESRICQFFPSFQMLDYQVDYDNHALYKHGKTGRKQSPVRIFTNIPPNKIILPTEEGYRFCSPCQRYVSLENQHCELCNSCTSKDGRKWNHCFLCKKCVKPSWIHCSICNHCAVPDHSCEGPKHGCFICGELDHKRSTCPNIATSKRANKAVRKQKQRKSNKMKMETTKGQSMNHTSATRRKKRRERAHQYLGS ZCCHC4 family